(v. vûrj) 1. to approach the nature or condition of something specified
2. to be in the process of change or transition into something else

Interests: playing with my kids, spending time with my wife, playing my guitar, native landscaping, blogging

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For Captain Pohanka
In Just Spring
Surprised by Life
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Poem of the moment:

A Reverie (October 1861)

One noonday, at my window in the town,
I saw a sight-saddest that eyes can see-
Young soldiers marching lustily
Unto the wars,
With fifes, and flags in motted pagentry;
While all the porches, walks, and doors
Were rich with ladies cheering royally.

They moved like Juny morning on the wave,
Their hearts were fresh as clover in its prime
(It was the breezy summer time),
Life throbbed so strong,
How should they dream that Death in rosy clime
Would come to thin their shining throng?
Youth Feels immortal, like the gods sublime.

Weeks passed; and at my window, leaving bed,
By night I mused, of easeful sleep bereft,
On those brave boys (Ah War! thy theft);
Some marching feet
Found pause at last by cliffs Potomac cleft;
Wakeful I mused, while in the street
Far footfalls died away till none were left.

—Herman Melville

Capitalist Poem #5

I was at the 7-11.
I ate a burrito.
I drank a Slurpee.
I was tired.
It was late, after work—washing dishes.
The burrito was good.
I had another.

I did it every day for a week.
I did it every day for a month.

To cook a burrito you tear off the plastic wrapper.
You push button #3 on the microwave.
Burritos are large, small, or medium.
Red or green chili peppers.
Beef or bean or both.
There are 7-11's all across the nation.

On the way out I bought a quart of beer for $1.39.
I was aware of the social injustice

in only the vaguest possible way.

—Campbell McGrath
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I'm now blogging for the Upper Room Ministries sponsored website The Way of Christ. So surf on over and check out the new blog and all the other great things they have to offer at the site.

I will be keeping this site active in order to update my reading, poetry, and music lists.

joe harvey at 5:18 PM


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Thursday, April 07, 2005
In Just Spring
I’m restless, today. Bulldozers are devouring the field beside my house. The cornfield and wildlife I once enjoyed are no more. There is no more peace on my back porch. Instead of silence, I hear the incessant beeping and revving of the engines from the time I wake until darkness falls. I mourn the loss of “my” field today.

On top of that, storms have raged through our area over the past few days. The Delaware and Lehigh Rivers have flooded their banks twice in about six months, the latest being a few days ago. My basement is flooded and more rain is expected tonight. Is this a just spring?

As I went about my day today, I witnessed the damage first hand. Several times, as I drove from place to place, road closings and obstacles diverted me from my path, keeping me from familiar route. It wasn’t long until restlessness turned into unease then frustration. My thoughts dwelled on the destruction. Why? I don’t know. Then it occurred to me as I drove: spring always brings turmoil. Spring is known for new life, but I often forget that new life is preceded by a tumultuous birth. With nature’s destruction—the cycle of the seasons, Creation in motion—comes God’s covenant and promise of renewal. My restlessness is the result of not being in-tune with God’s covenant promise.

My mind wanders to that poem by e.e. cummings In Just-spring.

in Just-
spring when the world is mud-
luscious the little
lame balloonman
whistles far and wee
and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it’s
when the world is puddle-wonderful
the queer
old balloonman whistles
far and wee
and bettyandisbel come dancing
from hop-scotch and jump-rope and
balloonMan whistles

Is this a happy poem about the beginning of spring and the joys that the season brings or is it a dark poem about a spring of injustice? Is the balloon man a dancing Pan-like character calling the children with a whistle of his flute, or unjust and something more sinister? I believe he’s the former. This is a light-hearted poem. Sometimes it’s too easy to look to the shadows and into dark places. It’s all about your perception. We can see what we choose. Spring is a time of new-life—if we choose to see it that way. And, If we are in tune with God’s creation.

joe harvey at 2:03 PM


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What I'm reading...

Jeffrey D. Sachs: The End to Poverty


Books I've read lately...

Friedrich Schweitzer: The Postmodern Life Cycle


Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth


Philip Gourevitch: We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families: Stories From Rwanda

We wish to inform you ...

Lary James Peacock: Openings: A Daybook of Saints, Psalms, and Prayers

Books I recommend...

Mark C. Ross: Dangerous Beauty: Life and Death in Africa

Gil Courtemanche: A Sunday at the Pool in Kigali

Malcolm Gladwell: The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference

Marcus Borg: Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time

Marcus Borg: The God We Never Knew

Marcus Borg and N.T. Wright: The Meaning of Jesus

Brian McLaren: A New Kind of Christian

Brian McLaren: The Story We Find Ourselves In

Richard Cimino and Don Lattin: Shopping for Faith

Dan Kimball: The Emerging Church

Dan Kimabll: Emerging Worship

Miroslav Volf and Dorthy C. Bass, editors: Practicing Theology

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Raulph Vaughan Williams: Dona Nobis Pacem

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